Tuesday 30 July 2013

Big Day!

I am exhausted!

Today I had a full day of uni, then my son's big family birthday dinner. I also haven't slept a lot the past couple of nights. My daughter has been sick and sleeping terribly, which therefore means my sleep is interrupted and restless. Thankfully she seems to be feeling better this evening than she has been, so hopefully she's kicked the worst of it.

My son's birthday dinner was great. We usually celebrate birthdays in two ways, the birthday boy or girl having the day off school to spend doing whatever he or she chooses, and the big family birthday dinner. As I had uni all day today, we agreed his day off will be tomorrow so I'm free to spend it with him at our leisure. And as much as right now I feel like I'd love to spend the whole day sleeping, I'm looking forward to our day together tomorrow.

I had the best of intentions of coming home and working on some assignments and starting to sew a skirt I've been meaning to make, but I'm just too tired. Maybe tomorrow I'll be more productive!

Just a short one today. I'm trying to commit to writing at least every other day. It helps me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

Night all!

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